A child who is in second grade is eligible for preparation for First Penance and Eucharist. This begins with a mandatory informational parent meeting. At this time, parents are informed of the expectations for their child and receive preparation materials. First Penance is celebrated in the winter and First Eucharist in the spring. There are several other meetings that must also be attended to complete this process. Classes are held on Saturday mornings from 8:45–10:00 am.
For more information about these programs, dates and times of classes and/or to register please contact Pam Moore, Religious Education Coordinator, at the rectory at 585-467-3068 or by email at [email protected].
2nd Grade Sacrament Requirements:
Student must be enrolled in Religious Education program or attend a Catholic school one year prior to starting preparation. Documentation is required if transferring from another Parish or coming from a Catholic parochial school.
Family must be registered at St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish.
Present proof of baptism (Baptism Certificate).
Must either attend the weekly Faith Formation classes (on Mondays) be enrolled in a Catholic School, or participate in a home school program with an approved Catholic curriculum.
Parent Meetings are mandatory for Penance/Eucharist.
The process of preparation involves participating in a regular religious education program either in the parish or in a Catholic school. The regular education program is supplemented in the parish with a special formation that is separate and distinct from the regular religious education program.
A young person does not begin the special formation process for confirmation unless he or she has participated regularly at Sunday Mass and has taken part in the regular parish or school religious education program for at least a year. A young person who has fallen away from active involvement in the sacraments and formal religious formation should be encouraged and assisted to return to an active faith life before preparing for confirmation.
For more information about this program, dates and times of classes and/or to register please contact Pam Moore, Religious Education Coordinator, at the rectory at 585-467-3068 or by email at [email protected].
Baptism is the first Sacrament a child receives and it is one of the most important gifts that a parent can give to their child. Parents of the child are asked to attend a class to review the ritual and understand their responsibilities. These classes are held once a month, on the third Sunday of the month. Class registration is arranged through our Parish Office, and it is encouraged that parents attend at least five or six weeks prior to the scheduled Baptism.
Upcoming Classes:
- Classes start the 3rd Sunday of each month, at 1:00pm in the Rectory. Class registration required.
- Baptisms are normally held at one of our scheduled weekend masses or at 12:15pm on Sunday.
- If you are not a registered parishioner at St. Stanislaus, you are still welcome to have your child baptized here, but it is necessary to have permission from the parish you are registered in.
- When picking Godparents, there are guidelines. The Godparent must be at least 16 years of age, and must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. All Godparents must also be baptized.
- If you want to set up a Baptism for your child at St. Stanislaus, please contact the Parish Office.
Marriage is a moment of celebration and revelation. We celebrate the new couple as a community that signifies what the Church is, a community of love brought about by the Holy Spirit. It reveals the Church as the bride of Christ, and God’s irrevocable commitment to the human community in, and through Christ.
Marriage celebrates love, and we are happy to celebrate that love with you here at St. Stanislaus. We celebrate Wedding Masses and Wedding Ceremonies, depending on the needs of the couple. We require couples who come to us to participate in a Pre-Nuptial interview, complete the FOCCUS inventory, and to attend a Pre-Cana session sponsored by the Diocese of Rochester. If you are a couple that lives in another city or state, we can work with you to make arrangements for you to do all of these in a parish near where you live. Arrangements need to be made at least 6 months before the scheduled date of the wedding. (More information can be found at: )
If you are interested in getting married here at St. Stanislaus, please contact our Parish Office.
Welcome! Please stop at the Rectory at any hour.
Inform staff when relatives are confined to home so that
we can arrange to have the Eucharist brought to them.
Please notify us of family members living in nursing homes or